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Commercial lease disputes can be very challenging for your clients whatever party you are assisting. This module will include consideration of practical steps that you can take to avoid disputes and actions that you can take to enforce your clients’ rights if required.
This module will include:
This module addresses the “good, the bad and the ugly” of trusts within a commercial context. It will canvass fundamental issues and consider some of the key decisions emerging from the case law and the implications for practitioners on a practical level.
This module will include:
It is a challenging time to be a company director in New Zealand, particularly in light of the unprecedented (at least for the modern day) global economic turbulence. The task is complicated further by uncertainty in the legal and governance communities regarding the acceptable levels of risk-taking by directors of companies in financial strife. Recent decisions of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal have prompted debate amongst governance professionals, legal advisors and academics regarding the proper application of the insolvent trading regime contained in New Zealand's companies legislation. While a forthcoming decision of the Supreme Court may provide greater clarity, many participants in the sector have long called for legislative reform. This module will survey recent developments in the insolvent trading space, consider what the future may hold for the law governing duties of directors in the "twilight zone", and provide practical guidance for professionals and their advisors.
This module will include: