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Trusts for Company & Commercial Lawyers 2019

Trusts for Company & Commercial Lawyers 2019
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Package includes:

Online CPD Module l Electronic booklet l PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $125 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $175 - Non-members

Note: Access to the online files is via your "My CPD" page. If you would like to purchase multiple packages, please contact us here.

Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 120 minutes

This module addresses the “good, the bad and the ugly” of trusts within a commercial context. It will canvass fundamental issues and consider some of the key decisions emerging from the case law and the implications for practitioners on a practical level.

This module will include:
  • Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of trusts compared with other arrangements
  • How the new Trusts Act will affect your clients and your advice to them
  • Issues to be aware of when dealing with trusts including relevant provisions in trust deeds, best practice, documentation, trustees’ liability and indemnity, etc
  • An update on current case law.

Learning objectives

By attending this seminar you will gain:

  • Increased knowledge on the relevant issues to consider in determining if a trust or some other vehicle is the appropriate vehicle for a particular situation or transaction.
  • Skills to identify issues that clients should be aware of when dealing with trusts (either where practitioners are acting for trusts or in situations where the other parties include trusts).

Electronic paper

Authors: Stephen Law, Juliet Moses
Published: 26 September 2019
Pages: 56


There is no introduction for this paper.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.

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