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Workings of the Property Law Act - Online CPD

Workings of the Property Law Act - Online CPD
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Package includes:

Online CPD Module  l  Electronic Booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $149 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $179 - Non-members

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Online CPD Module 

Presentation time: 90 minutes

It is more than nine years since the Property Law Act received assent, with all property lawyers being affected by this legislation. The presenters will update you on developments in selected cases since their 2012 NZLS CLE seminar on The Workings of the Property Law Act – four years on.

The focus will be on the key themes emerging from case law, and the practical implications flowing from these developments.

This module  will include discussion on recent developments relating to:

  • Property contracts: negotiation, creation and interpretation
  • Creation of leases, lease covenants, dealings and enforcement
  • Developments in documenting and enforcing mortgages
  • Recent judicial decisions on easements, covenants and boundary disputes.

Learning objectives

After this module you will:

  • Have a greater awareness of key provisions in the PLA 2007 relating to leases and mortgages.
  • Understand recent developments in case law and the practical implications of recent decisions.
  • Be better equipped to draft and review documents to incorporate insights in response to the latest developments.

Please contact us if you use a dial up internet connection.


Authors: Associate Professor David Grinlinton, Peter Nolan
Published: 30 August 2017
Pages: 40


There is no introduction for this publication.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.

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