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Tax Conference 2016Publication Date: 02-Nov-2016Chair: Lindsay McKay. Authors: Vivian Cheng, Geoff Clews, Shaun Connolly, Ele Duncan, Richard Green, The Honourable Justice Rhys Harrison, Michael Heron KC, Helen Johnson, David Johnston, Dominic Lundon, Patrick McCalman, Mathew McKay, Carmel Peters, Susan Price, Neil Russ, Richard Scoular, Lynley Sutherland, Pravir Tesiram, Jarrod Walker, Fred Ward |
NZ $150.00 | ||
Tax Snapshot for Non-SpecialistsPublication Date: 17-Sep-2013Authors: Barney Cumberland, Paul Windeatt, Nick Bland |
NZ $65.00 |
Author(s): Denham Martin
Published: 11 July, 2000
Pages: 90
Taxation is viewed by some practitioners as an arcane and dispensable area of law. However, the truth of the matter is quite the opposite, there being no other area of law that touches everyday commercial and private transactions and affairs so extensively and importantly – from the variation of a family trust, to a wrongful dismissal payout, to a sale of valuable intellectual property rights. Furthermore, there are few legal areas where the personal and business cost of incorrect advice or conduct can be so prejudicial, a point graphically represented in recent times by events such as the Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Matters Relating To Taxation (“the Wine-Box Inquiry”); the hearings culminating in The Report of the Finance and Select Committee Into the Powers and Operations of the Inland Revenue Department (“the Dunne Inquiry”), and those involving the long-running and well-publicised dispute in Christchurch between the Inland Revenue Department (“the Revenue”) and Mr David Henderson.
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