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PPSA - putting the Act into practice

NZ $30.00
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Author(s): Peter Eady, Laurie Mayne, Rob McInnes, Andrew Wagg, Matt Yarnell
Published: 16 February, 2002
Pages: 47



This seminar presentation is designed to assist legal practitioners in coming to grips with some of the practical elements of a significant area of law change. As practitioners become more familiar with the concepts of the Act, thinking and practice around personal property security will develop and may change. Particular factual circumstances may throw up legal issues and outcomes which differ from the simple examples which are used and discussed in the presentation. This booklet and the seminar presentation are not (and could not hope to be) the last word on any of the matters which are touched on in them. It is very much a “heads up” on some aspects of a law change which will require the (continuing) close attention of legal practitioners over the coming months. Importantly, you should know that the set-up and workings of the PPSR described in the seminar have not been reviewed by the NZLS (or the presenters) for compliance with the PPSA or regulations. Similarly, any sample documents which are distributed are merely examples of how one organisation has approached PPSA-related documentation issues. They are not provided as precedents nor are they endorsed by this seminar.


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