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Chair: Jason Wren. Authors: Gareth Abdinor, Jackie Behrnes, Allister Davis, Stephanie Marsden, Kelly Paterson, Craig Ruane, Andrew Shaw, Sarah Townsend, Ben Walker, Dr Duncan Webb
Published: 20 March 2017
Pages: 127
There is no introduction for this publication.
Content outline
- Claims on a Trust when a Couple Separates
- Navigating the Twists and Turns of Employment Investigations
- Earthquake Insurance Law Update and Tips for Resolving your Client’s Claims
- Demystifying the Management of Technology Risks
- Evidence and Representation
- Section 122 of the Evidence Act 2006 .
- Amicus: Whose Friend?
- The Rebuild… Boom or Bust?
- Health & Safety 101 for Business
- Dealing with those “Challenging” Clients
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