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Property Law Miscellany

NZ $45.00
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Author(s): Richard Cross, John Harkness, Stephanie Harris
Published: 3 September, 2001
Pages: 108


There is no introduction for this publication.


Content outline

  • The contract
    • Warranties
    • Fair Trading Act
    • Practical settlement issues
  • Lender requirements
    • Gurantees
    • Solicitors' advice - independence and conflict
    • Credit Contracts Act - compliance
    • Lender requirements - what is reasonable?
    • Company borrowers
    • Debentures
    • Non-registration
    • Personal Property Securities Act 1999
    • Resolutions
    • Director's certificate
    • Major transactions
    • Solvency test
    • Trust borrowers
    • Trustee's duty to account
    • Trustee Act requirements
    • Execution of documents
    • Use of Power of Attorney
  • Building matters
    • Section 36 of the Building Act 1991
    • Land Information Memoranda
    • Consent notices
    • The Resource Management Act and the Building Act
    • Section 44A Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
    • Cancellation of consent notice
    • Variation of consent notice
  • Caveats
  • Easements
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