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Property Law Conference 2000

NZ $55.00
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Author(s): Duncan Terris, Debra Dorrington, Deborah Hollings, Peter McLeod, Bill Patterson, Niels Campbell, Donald Dugdale, John Elliot, Jane Holland, Jan James, Tim Jones, Brendan McConnell, Dr Don McMorland, Denis McNamara, Chris Moore, Dr Gareth Morgan, Bob Roche, Helen Young
Published: 31 July, 2000
Pages: 280


There is no introduction for this publication.


Content outline

  • Expanding the Services of Solicitors – a view from Scotland
  • Economic Recovery and the Property Sector: what’s happening?
  • Ownership Structure in Multi-use Developments: a case study
  • Reforming Subdivision Law
  • Taxation of Land Transactions
  • Treaty of Waitangi Settlements
  • Sale and Purchase of Land
  • Technology – working smarter for the future Technology – back to the future
  • Effective Commercial Leases 
  • Property Sharing in Domestic Relationships
  • Trusts – a new generation
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