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Family Law Update

NZ $45.00
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Author(s): Anis Somerville, His Honour Judge von Dadelszen
Published: 30 October, 2000
Pages: 132


There is no introduction for this publication.

Content outline

  • Part one: Guardianship of the Court - the ultimate protection?
    • The powers of the Court
    • Limits on the Court's power
    • Adoption
    • Forms
    • The Guardianship Amendment Act 1998 (ss 10a-10e)
    • United nations convention on the rights of the child 1989
  • Part two: Spousal maintenance - the neglected application
    • Spousal maintenance in New Zealand
    • Canadian law
    • Australian law
    • Matrimonial property and spousal maintenance
    • Who can apply for spousal maintenance
    • Where to apply for spousal maintenance
    • When to apply for spousal maintenance
    • How can spousal maintenance be paid?
    • Liability to pay spousal maintenance
    • Interim maintenance
    • Quantum 
    • Termination
    • Amendments to Family Proceedings Act 1980
    • Changes to Matrimonial Property Act 1976
    • Transitional provisions for contracting out issues for the property
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