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Published: 29 November 2013
Pages: 31
The retirement village industry continues to be a major player in the growth of residential accommodation with Statistics New Zealand predicting by 2050, New Zealand will comprise over 1 million people aged 65 years or over. The predicted growth rate of units is in excess of 6% per year, with the major players Rymans, Metlifecare and Summerset trumpeting significant growth plans to their existing portfolios.
The primary drivers of aged citizens desiring that their last place of residence be in a secure, caring and collegial environment, such as a retirement village, with responsibility for ongoing maintenance and looking after payment of bills being that of someone else, will continue to hold strong attraction. This, notwithstanding the fact that the bulk of retirement villages are self-funding, relying on capital deductions in many cases between 20% and 30% of original cost and taking the upside on any resale gain in capital value to help maintain the quality of a village maintenance and capital replacement programme.
There are well over 330 registered retirement villages currently in New Zealand, some 279 of which are members of the Retirement Villages Association. In the Retirement Villages Association Annual Report 2013, some interesting statistics from their members reveal the following:
A feature of the industry is the introduction of consumer protection legislation for residents viz. comprising the Retirement Villages Act 2003 (the Act); Retirement Villages (General) Regulations 2006 (General Regulations); Retirement Villages (Disputes Panel) Regulations 2006, Code of Residents Rights, and Retirement Villages Code of Practice 2008, with variations to the Code coming into force on 14 October 2013. Allied to the legislation is the need for a complaints facility and disputes panel regime plus for registered villages memorials on titles to, among other things, protect ORAs from being disclaimed on liquidation or insolvency of an operator.
The combination of the Act, Regulations and Code has resulted in an improved quality of presentation and standard of care of villages and enhanced the attraction to the elder community in New Zealand.
There seems little doubt that the consumer legislation has brought about a reasonably significant increase in quality control. The Retirement Villages Association itself has played a major role in promoting and enhancing the attractiveness of village living. Nevertheless, abuse still results, as identified in the Retirement Commission’s Monitoring Project Report of July 2011, such as in the following areas:
Discussions with the Retirement Commissioner concerning enquiries and complaints made during the period June 2011 to December 2012 revealed the following:
The Retirement Commission has advised that for 2013 to date, most complaints lodged have related to process around sale of units (lack of consultation and sums deducted) and weekly fees (complaints related to overcharging and move to increase or fixed without consultation).
Notwithstanding claims of abuse, the industry is by and large healthy, and the perception is that there are many more good news stories than others in the market, with the better villages having dynamic village committees and engaged managers and staff, which serves to fuel the growth. All this means that legal practitioners (who are required to certify that an intending resident has received an “explanation” of the general effect of the ORA and its implications) need to up-skill their specific advice on contractual documentation and general advice concerning the need to ensure that intending residents fully understand the implications of their move into a retirement village. The Monitoring Report considered that advice by lawyers and financial advisers is too narrow and failed to provide appreciation of implications. Therefore, to overcome such reports and perceptions the need to “lift the game” is ever present. For example, contesting clauses and omissions in ORAs and specifically covering off in the prescribed form of certification of advice, the cooling off period available: see s 28 of the Act.
The checklist which forms part of this paper, updated from the NZLS CLE Ltd seminar on retirement villages in February – March 2004, illustrates the many questions which need answers. The checklist reinforces the fact that buying into a retirement village is no ordinary house purchase and specialist knowledge and understanding is required in the giving of adequate advice. Also, there is the checklist on the Retirement Village “Sorted” website: https://www.sorted.org.nz/life-events/moving-to-a-retirement-village. Plus, the useful booklet “Thinking of living in a retirement village?” available online through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on http://www.dbh.govt.nz/thinking-living-retirement village.
It is imperative that practitioners understand and appreciate that they are largely dealing with elder citizens, which requires extra sensitivity and patience in the delivery of advice.
This webinar paper should be read together with the NZLS CLE Ltd’s 2004 and 2007 seminars on retirement villages.
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Michelle Burke Anthony Harper Auckland |
John Greenwood Greenwood Roche Chisnall Wellington |