Expert Witnesses - from start to finish (or Seven Socratic Dialogues)

Published: 28-11-2014 Author: Marcus Elliott Pages: 69
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NZ $45.00

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Author: Marcus Elliott
Published: 28 November 2014
Pages: 69


Note to Readers:

Although I am named as the author of this book you will note that none of it appears to have actually been written by me. The introduction is attributed to Dr J Antonius Gill, who purports to be a partner in a London law firm, the conclusion is said to be the work of a dubious law professor and between the two you will find seven “Dialogues” between Socrates and various lawyers in New Zealand.

For the avoidance of doubt there is no J Antonius Gill, the law professor is made up and Socrates has not, as far as I know, been to New Zealand.

I have written the book in this way in an attempt to deal with the subject of expert evidence in a different and hopefully engaging way. I therefore invite you to ignore Dr Gill's unkind words and hope that you will find the book both interesting and useful.

Content outline

  • On direct evidence and non-expert opinion evidence
  • On the admissibility of expert opinion evidence
  • Engaging an expert
  • On the code of conduct for expert witnesses
  • On adducing expert evidence
  • Cross examination
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Marcus Elliott
Marcus Elliott


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