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Employment Law Conference 2000

NZ $60.00
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Author(s): His Honour Judge Colgan, Christine French, Phillipa Muir, Penny Swarbrick, Rob Towner, Kit Toogood KC, Paul Roth, Stephanie Dyhrberg, Hugh Fulton, Dr Rodney Harrison KC, Anne-Marie Hendra, Bill Hodge, Andrew Little, Simon Mitchell, Dennis Nolan, Brian Stephenson
Published: 23 November, 2000
Pages: 206


There is no introduction for this publication.

Content outline

  • The Employment Relations Act in historical and comparative perspective
  • Employers good faith
  • Collective bargaining
  • Industrial action - practical guidelines
  • Employees and good faith
  • New Zealand's international treaty obligations and the ERA
  • Individual employment agreements
  • Unions and good faith
  • The institutions
  • Old wrongs - new remedies? New wrongs - new remedies? Old wrongs - no remedies?
  • The Act in practice
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