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Criminal Law Symposium 2000

NZ $40.00
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Author(s): Mike Behrens KC, Tim Brewer, Simon France, Simon Mount, Professor Gerry Orchard, Kevin Dawkins, Kristy McDonald KC, Liz Bulger, John Haigh KC, Warren Young
Published: 3 November, 2000
Pages: 74


There is no introduction for this publication.

Content outline

  • Opening: The adversarial system - is it alive and well?
  • Session 1: Managing the process: whose trial is it anyway?
  • Session 2: Red hot topics in black letter law
  • Session 3: Talking silence
  • Session 4: Juries in criminal trials - the next step
  • A review of recent guideline sentencing judgments
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NZ $40.00

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