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Preparing and Taking Securities

NZ $45.00
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Author(s): Bruce Stewart KC, Michael Dineen
Published: 10 October, 2000
Pages: 116



The subject of securities is very wide, and this paper aims to canvas the topic with broad brushstrokes, using finer detail in certain areas of interest. The taking of securities is a frequent business requirement, and is an important part of the work of both a banker and a solicitor. While taking of security has become simplified over recent years with the increased use of standard form documents, it is still very important for professionals within the industry to have an understanding of the difficulties that can arise and strategies to overcome these problems, as there is much more to the taking of security than merely filling out a printed form.


Content outline

  • How to take securities
  • Deciding what form of security is required
  • Trust and company issues
  • Resolutions and execution
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Solicitors' certificate and undertakings
  • Practical issues to check
  • Legislation / code
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