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Published: 6 May 2013
Pages: 34
I have sub-titled this webinar to highlight two inter-related themes relating to not-for-profit law in New Zealand; changes to the law and in society, and the challenges associated with those changes.
This webinar focuses on just the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and Charitable Trusts Act 1957. There are other statutes covering agricultural and pastoral societies, professional organisations and others, but they are of more esoteric interest than societies (non-charitable and charitable) and charitable trusts. Nevertheless, most of the discussion in these notes is broadly applicable to other legislation relating to not-for-profits.
Any new statutes to replace the Incorporated Societies and Charitable Trusts Acts are perhaps 3 – 5 years away, as the Law Commission has yet to report on their replacement. However, lawyers can, and should, start thinking now about how to improve their skills and knowledge of the not-for-profit sector. I also believe that recent Court decisions and some Charities Board activities should be better known to lawyers advising not-for-profits. Those factors led me to agree to edit a new edition of my book, Law of Societies,1 and also to agree to present this webinar.
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Mark von Dadelszen Barrister Hastings |