Real Estate in a Tough Market - for property lawyers and litigators

Published: 14-09-2009 Author(s): Rod Thomas, David Bigio Pages: 139
Price From
NZ $65.00

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Published: 14 September 2009
Pages: 139 pages

The sale of real estate remains a mainstream area of legal practice. The players consist of real estate agents, the public who buy or sell, conveyancers, and (dare we say it) litigators when it all turns sour!

In the not too distant past we have seen solicitors seeking to “move in” to the real estate market, as agents to buy and sell. Now the Real Estate Institute has introduced its own form of agreement for sale and purchase onto the market place.

In November of this year the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 will come into force bringing with it increased regulation of real estate agency practices and a consumer orientated focus.

We are also presently practising in what is accepted as a period of market recession. That brings its own challenges to practice. Added to this, are a number of other recent legal developments which practitioners (both in property practice and litigation) need to be aware of.

The material in this booklet will address a number of these issues. It is not an attempt to cover exhaustively each and every aspect of conveyancing.

David Bigio Rod Thomas
David Bigio
Rod Thomas


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