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Drug & Alcohol Testing - another tool to minimise time in custody - Online CPD

NZ $145.00
Michael Cameron
Department of Corrections,
Eric Forster

Package includes:

Online CPD Module  l  Electronic booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $115 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $145 - Non-members

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Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 60 minutes

This module is aimed at defence lawyers and will help ensure that you are fully conversant with opportunities to assist your clients to minimise time in custody by applying for a community sentence coupled with drug and alcohol abstinence conditions.

These are not new provisions, but the opportunity to use them has expanded now as testing resources are available throughout the country, making this a viable option for many of your clients.

In particular, this module will cover:

  • Background information about the legislation including a move from punitive to more therapeutic sentences
  • A comprehensive discussion on real-world situations where clients were facing prison sentences
  • How it works and how to access drug and alcohol testing.

Learning objectives

By completing this module you will:

  • Have a deeper understanding of community sentences with drug and alcohol abstinence conditions and how they are monitored.
  • Be better able to advise your clients in avoiding time in custody.

Electronic paper 

Authors: Michael Cameron, Eric Forster
Published: 3 June 2021
Pages: 7


The purpose of this module is to assist practitioners to utilise drug and alcohol prohibition and testing conditions to reduce time in custody for their clients by providing an alternative means of rehabilitating the individual and protecting the public from further offending.

Drug and alcohol prohibition and testing conditions have long been viewed as a means to address the risk of offending by certain defendants and convicted offenders.

This is because – for some people with substance abuse issues – the risk of offending may be quite low if they are able to refrain from using the substances for which they have a particular problem. Drug and alcohol conditions involve a prohibition on using certain substances, often coupled with testing requirements. They aim to deter the use of drugs and/or alcohol and provide early identification of people who need additional support. When these conditions are available, reliance on detention as a means to protect the public from further offending and rehabilitate the individual is reduced.

Drug and alcohol conditions are not new, but recent changes to legislation and practice have made them more available.


PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.

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