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ADLS Sale and Purchase Agreement - Online CPD

NZ $255.00
Don McMorland 2016 Julian Smith 2016
Don McMorland
Julian Smith
Greenwood Roche

Package includes:

Online CPD Module  l  Booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $205 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $255 - Non-members

Note: Access to the online files is via your "My CPD" page. If you would like to purchase multiple packages, please contact us here.

Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 120 minutes

This seminar updates lawyers on key matters relating to the transfer of properties where the standard REINZ/ADLS agreement for sale and purchase has been used. It aims to expand existing knowledge on key issues and legal concepts that will be encountered by lawyers when undertaking property transactions.

Topics covered will include:

  • Caveat emptor and the vendor’s (and their real estate agent’s) duty of disclosure
  • Formation of contract and certainty of terms
  • Nominations, novation and assignment
  • Operation of conditions
  • Requisitions and objections
  • Warranties, and the overlap with conditions
  • Property Law Section Guidelines - how to settle correctly
  • Claims for compensation and equitable set-off
  • When is time of the essence?

This practically focused seminar will offer guidance and interpretation of some of the key provisions. The presenters will suggest ways of dealing with them and look at some of the alternatives available. They will outline recent cases and potential pitfalls that have emerged for practitioners.

Learning objectives

After completing this module you will:
  • Increase your existing understanding of key issues that regularly arise in property transactions.
  • Be better placed to efficiently deal with these issues when they arise.
  • Improve your advice to your clients on these issues.

Please contact us if you use a dial up internet connection.

Electronic Booklet

Authors: Don McMorland, Julian Smith
Published: 3 May 2016
Pages: 90
Electronic booklet can be downloaded from My CPD > My Online CPD after purchase.


There is no introduction for this publication.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.
Number of Slides: 83

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Mortgagee Sales - Online CPD

Publication Date: 27-Nov-2014

Author: Justin Toebes

NZ $121.00

Multiple Registration
freephone (within NZ)
0800 333 111

[email protected]

04 472 7837
Level 4, 17-21 Whitmore Street
Wellington 6011

DX SP 20202
PO Box 5041
Wellington 6140
New Zealand